Trekking and small mountain villages - SEA Semester update from Northern Thailand

Trekking and Relaxing in PaiSaying our goodbyes at Elephant Nature Park was difficult but memorable.  We were given the opportunity to get up close and personal with the elephants one last time when we did presentations - where we focused on individual elephants and their history with trauma before coming to the park. From the park, we moved on to Pai, a small hippy town about an hour North of ENP. In Pai, we got the chance to get a feel for the town and walk around for … Read more

Category Southeast Asia
Departure Spring 2020

On the Move in Thailand by Dusey, SEA

As the SEA Spring 2020 group has settled into the culture and constant movement of Thailand, we found ourselves quickly getting to know each other while we were surprised with Thai massages. This journey began in Bangkok and soon moved to Sukhothai for a few days of orientation at Lotus Village. With the delicious meals prepared by our hosts, our stomachs were full as we began to fully immerse ourselves in the 70 days ahead.   In Sukhothai, we explored the Historic Par… Read more

Category Southeast Asia
Departure Spring 2020