Namaste fellow explorers, bohemians and intrepid travellers

Namaste fellow explorers, bohemians and intrepid travellers. The soon to be Pacific Discovery Nepal and Tibet Fall crew.  My name is Lou one slice of your program instructor equation and along with Kevin I am looking forward to meeting you all and beginning this journey in Kathmandu with you in a few weeks time. I was born and raised by hobbits in a country where there are more sheep than people, growing up on the West Coast of the North Island, New Zealand. Nestled b… Read more

Category Nepal and Tibet
Departure Fall 2016

Village homestay by Match

Kalleri is a small village located above the larger city of Waling about two hours outside of Pokhara. The village was established approximately 250 years ago, and since then has developed into something of a very large extended family. Our village facilitators, Amrit and Saroj Ale, grew up in the village and helped a tremendous amount by divvying up our group into host families' houses, translating Nepali, and directing our work efforts on the volunteer project. The fa… Read more

Category Nepal and Tibet
Departure Fall 2014

Rafting the Kali Gandaki

The group spent three fantastic days rafting and camping along the Kali Gandaki River this weekend. After a three hour bus journey, we helped our Paddle Nepal guides unload all the gear and food we would need for our trip. We enjoyed a picnic lunch before launching our rafts into the crystal green waters. The first day had some exciting rapids and we all arrived at camp drenched from head to toe. We set up our sleeping shelter using rafts and paddles to construct a… Read more

Category Nepal and Tibet
Departure Fall 2013


Namaste family and friends, The Nepal-Tibet group spent last weekend learning about Buddhist meditation and yoga at the Ganden Yiga Chozin center. Ivy Wong shared this poem to describe her experience. in a thick black smoke in a sick black smoke I saw his suffering emerge like a kite, it swirled like a snake, it curled into memories broken and burned it whispered dark things it beat it's heavy wings and unwound the threads within each breath he took his … Read more

Category Nepal and Tibet
Departure Fall 2013