How often is it that you get to wake up at sunrise, in a tent, with a mother sheep and two lambs ten feet away, in a wide open field with ocean on one side, mountains on the other in New Zealand, with a family you've been with for over a month? I'd like to think that that's a once in a lifetime picture. A picture that perfectly describes Mimiwhangata (pronounced Mimifungata).

It is a truly special place.


By day, we became Thistle aficionados. This simple plant from Scotland dominated our lives. In its native land, it's loved, but here, thousands of miles away, it's a simple and common weed. Far too common. From the dunes of the beach to the tops of the rolling hills, we spent hours with grubbers (essentially pickaxes) ripping these plants out of the ground...and we did one hell of a job. By night, Mimiwhangata changed from a place full of thistles to whatever you wanted it to be. Some decided to fish, some went on walks, some swam, and others slept. Those few hours between work and dinner were truly ours, a rare opportunity on this action-packed trip. There was a limitless array of activities that could keep you busy on such a diverse landscape. After dinner, however, time wasn't ours. It was Ben's. Ben is the son of the sole ranger of Mimiwhangata. As a 12-year old boy, he was full of energy and made that very clear. From capture the flag to possum trapping we were always with that excited boy.

14615859_10154685180713147_4098269642596952559_o As we make our way down the rest of the country, Mimiwhangata will stay with us. We will still spot thistles from afar in our van, or wish we could play one more game with Ben.

We could not have asked for a better introduction to New Zealand.

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Author Henry Harris Posted