There is nothing quite like feeling like a little kid again.... or like
Indiana Jones depending on who you are but that is exactly how it felt to
be running through all of the ruins of Tha Phrom, a close neighbor of
Angkor Wat. When you go to the vast majority of temples surrounding Angkor
Wat you walk through history, staring taking photos down hallways and
through corridors, you go looking at the intricate stone work of a place
that has been around for hundreds of years. When we showed up at Beng
Mealea it was a different story however. This temple lays in far more of a
ruinous state than most we visited, which in my opinion made it the best
one to visit. Instead of walking down hallways you climbed through them,
you clambered up piles of stone as tall as buildings and back down into a
new hallway, carvings.... more like handholds help you traverse rooftops.
As we climbed and moved there will be one memory that sticks out more than
the rest; the point when I came to a door way seemingly impassable due to
the fact it was nearly full with rubble. Undeterred, I removed my back
pack, threw it through a tiny hole and climbed up after it. In that moment
I truly felt like an explorer. It was an ultimate play ground, a beautiful
scene, and a rich historical experience all wrapped up into one. But there
was one more important thing that it was it was; my favorite day on this
trip one I will truly never forget.

Jack Jeffery.

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Author Jack Jeffery Posted

Category Southeast Asia Departure Fall 2014