A Catamaran on the Caribbean

Thursday marked the start of our catamaran adventure. After a quick breakfast of bagels, waffles, and coffee we headed to the Ragga Empress, a large catamaran festively painted red yellow and black. We were ushered on by captain Kevin, chef Linton, and guide Elio. We raised the mainsail and headed out to the first snorkel spot. Immediately we could feel the difference from Bacalar Chico dive camp, our previous inhabitance of the last ten days. With Raggamuffin Tours we w… Read more

Category Central America
Departure Fall 2017

Flying Underwater in Belize

As our boat arrived at Blue Ventures Dive Camp in Bacalar Chico Marine Reserve last Saturday, none of us knew what to expect. 10 days on a remote island in Belize with no way to contact our friends and family definitely sounded a little scary. Would it be tough to go from the larger, air conditioned homes of our homestay families, to small, hot cabañas covered in sand and bugs? I'm not going to lie - it was definitely an adjustment. But although it was different, I knew … Read more

Category Central America
Departure Fall 2017

¡Bienvenidos a México!

I have been chosen to write the first journal entry for our group in Central America. Its been a little over a week and I'm currently basking on the floor of my Mexican host family's home. Since you're probably wondering how I arrived in this state...well, let me to get you up to date! The first thing that happened was that it was hot, and when I say "hot", imagine a huuuuge outdoor sauna, with cheap tacos and lots of español. Our first week consisted of an in-depth ori… Read more

Category Central America
Departure Fall 2017

Instructor Intro: Benny Jacobs-Schwartz

Hola Everyone! My name is Benny Jacobs-Schwartz and I was born and raised in the sunny part of Southern California, Los Angeles. I, along with Caitlin, will be one of your instructors for our upcoming course to Central America this fall! I am brimming with excitement as we will get to share an amazing 10-weeks getting to know each other throughout five amazing countries. Over the last 3 months I have been living at a residential summer camp located just outside Yosemite… Read more

Category Central America
Departure Fall 2017