
Hello all and welcome to the Thailand Summer Program. Soon you will depart on an incredible journey with Bangkok as your first destination. Not only will a life changing experience be awaiting you, Kevin and I will be as well! My name is Jessica, but you can call me Jess if you prefer.

Canada is my home country, but I have made Asia my backyard for the last four years. Eastern culture, breathtaking nature, ancient traditions, exotic flavorful tastes and the simple lifestyle are just a few of the experiences I look forward to sharing together!

Most of your basic amenities are easily available, so try to stick to the gear list. Reduce weight where you can and make sure to save some room for the neat things you will find along the way!

It is important to the success of the program that you come with an open mind and a positive attitude. The more that we can accept and participate in the culture, the more local of an experience we will have. It is the small acts of respect that are never overlooked here. Remember that often, the sense of time is slowed and therefore we must show patience, towards the locals and each other. Along the way we will make moments and memories; together, as a team we can create the journey of a lifetime!

After this experience, you will have done things you haven’t dreamt possible! You are no doubt going to be a stronger, braver, skilled, more conscientious and not to mention a down-right inspired individual.

Until we meet in person, take care of yourself and get excited. Make yourself known via email or Facebook because we all look forward to meeting you. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.



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Author Jess Dick Posted

Category Thailand